Jacqui Smith

Can somebody explain to me why Jacqui Smith is yet to resign – or be forced to resign – from her Cabinet position as Home Secretary?

The Ministerial Code states that:

Ministers of the Crown are expected to behave in a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety.

Yet, following the revelation that her husband bought pornographic films (albeit something not a serious or particularly controversial offence), the very fact that the news came just weeks after the scandal over her second home, she retains a position within the Cabinet.

Upholding the highest standards of propriety? I think not.

Same old Tony…

Having read this article on the BBC – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7624586.stm – all those memories of Tony Blair looking awkward in front of the tv cameras towards the end of his time as prime minister came flooding back.

Despite not having seen the Daily Show interview, I can easily imagine the somewhat strained and bewildered look peering out from behind the Cheshire cat grin. The omission of any talk of politics back home probably came as a relief to him. Even when he held office he seemed pretty out of the loop, so being stuck across the pond will undoubtedly have exacerbated the problem.

Dare I say, however, that Gordon Brown must rue the day he took over the top job and would welcome old Tony – smile and all – back with open arms.